Keith Rossberg
Why do you use the medium you use?
I think it's because there are so many types and colors and that they can be cut and shaped into any size to make something beautiful out of nature jewels.
What role does art play in your life?
For me it helps me to relax and have patience to take my time and make something that people enjoy looking at or want to have. It's a good stress reliever for me.
What inspires you to create?
It's never any one thing. For me, it's just whatever stones look good together, so I do a lot of mixing and matching to create a one of a kind piece of jewelry. If it doesn't look good to me, I won't finish making it and I'll tear it down and start over.
Transformation Statement
My description of Transformation is; for instance, this necklace here that you see in front of you now. This necklace started out as plain, ordinary, rocks but with some time, care, and patience they are transformed into a beautiful piece of jewelry that can be enjoyed and worn for many years. [new paragraph] It's the same way with people. With some time, patience, and care, we too can change and transform into better, more socially responsible citizens in the community. [new paragraph] It all starts within oneself.

Little Piece of Nature (Necklace)