Artist: R. Lopez-Rios
Traditionally violence has been the language many men see or become familiar with within these walls. At what point does the DOC actually begin to invest real time and resources to help these men discover their talents, from which society as a whole and the individuals can benefit?
Incarcerated men have no way to reconnect, nor build any type of support system conducive to change because of restrictions and the negative stigma attached to prison. Projects as such give the community a chance to see a different side and gives the men a sense of accomplishment, an opportunity to be recognized, and reconnect with the self and others, an experience that can be life changing, due to the fact that most of these men have never had such experiences. Do you see this different approach that involves the community inside and out, with so much potential, as something that can be applied to current or new programs?
This approach is like building bridges to a path of healing both the individual and community. It starts the process of growth, gives men a purpose and direction in life. How can we redirect the focus of punishment, to a positive reinforcement type of approach that focuses on making better people by capitalizing on their interests/talents in arts and crafts?
Why do you use the medium you use?
I use whatever medium I'm drawn to at the time. I believe creativity is the most important thing. Therefore the type of medium does not matter.
What role does art play in your life?
Art is my passion, the part of me that can only be expressed by projecting it through colors and shapes, taking a physical form for the world to see. A role in my life that links me to my past, as I create in the moment for the future to leave remnants of myself long after I am gone.
What inspires you to create?
I'm inspired by the flames of creativity that are fueled by the hopes, dreams, compassion, and humanity that I have clinched on to. My desire to inspire, inspires me as well.
Transformation Statement
Nature, time and human beings are constantly transforming. Society as a whole transforms the norms that change throughout our lives. To me the most important transformation takes place when someone becomes autonomous and true to themselves beyond any type of outside influence, allowing them to reach their full potential. Funny thing is that the stage in life before reaching such transformation, one must allow the embracement of an entire community to understand one's self.
Face It
Inspired by the daily struggles of isolation and oppression within these concrete walls designed to strip you out of your identity and humanity. I have lost my freedom, but I refuse to break under such pressures. I choose to rule my heart, mind, and soul, as I face these struggles head-on, with the willpower of gold, the pride of my ancestors, and my playful nature. I sit on a throne that is not anchored by limits or obstacles.
Huitzilopchti (“God of War”)
A god of war that led the mexica (Aztecs) on their journey from Aztlan to the promised land: a dried lake that became known as Tenochtitlan, and now is known as Mexico City. He also led them in a war, granting many victories with superior war skills and fearless warriors that made the rise of the Aztec empire possible.
Above All
In a cold and dark world, even grey days can be appreciated. However, the day will come when the turmoil will settle, not by itself, but as a result of coming across that one and only entity that stands out as it rises above all, with its unique colorful ways. It radiates the type of warmth that melts away the ice that once encased your cold heart and its light will serve to guide your soul out of darkness, and set you free from the chains that restrained you to your past.
An Aztec god of duality, wind, and knowledge, and other qualities. A god that walked among the living and is responsible for bringing the maize plant to humans. It is believed that his teachings kick started evolution. He traveled all the way to the Yucatan peninsula in the land of the Maya, and became known as Kukulcán, after leaving the Aztec lands on a raft.
Pure Intent
I find acrylics the most interesting medium to work with because they can mimic the results of other mediums as they adapt to the mood and skill of the individual. Art is a language of its own that provides an outlet to express what words can never say. It is a language that you can see and feel even if you don’t understand intellectually. It has evolved into the voice of my growth, desires, hopes, pain, and joy, and an escape from my reality in the process of creating each piece. [I’m inspired by] life’s unexpected turns and the wish to leave something behind that was created during difficult times as a permanent reminder that although we live in a cruel world, purpose disguised as beauty/light can always be found even in our darkest moments.
Not all art is for sale. See below.
Pure Intent (Not for sale)
Huitzilopchti (“God of War”) (For sale)
Above All (For sale)
Quetzalcoatl (For sale)