Super Star by Jeremy Zimmermann
Super Star by Jeremy Zimmermann
It’s just a “feel good” message. When someone who is not confident in their worth, they can look at this art & realize that indeed they are a “super star.” I think that there is a star shining in each one of us and sometimes we need to be reminded of such.

FREE JZ by Jeremy Zimmermann
FREE JZ by Jeremy Zimmermann
MY FREEDOM: Because We the People are a democracy, we have the inherent right to fight for life, liberty and to pursue happiness... we should not be compelled to enforce these rights, rather, these rights are guaranteed pursuant to the Declaration of Independence, the Bill
of Rights and the Constitution. We are a government of the people, by the people and for the people...we believe in the principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community.

Fractured Self by Joseph Ringler
Fractured Self by Joseph Ringler
Conditioned by abuse, I see my fractured self reinforced by societal
beliefs, so much so that my identity is that which society has bestowed
upon me. In my frustrations, I try to draw a new card, a new lot in life,
yet I am forced back into a role that I do not want. This picture, through
my eyes, envisions my frustrations with mental health, societal roles,
my own sense of identity, because I am so much more. More than a Marine Corps veteran, more than my mental health disorders, more than a parent or a husband, and I want so much more out of life, yet here I sit being dealt the same, again and again.

Stronger Together by K.H.
Stronger Together by K.H.
My inspiration came from the strength of a thread, marvelous design, and colorful creation using a sewing machine.

Adventure by K.H.
Adventure by K.H.
I received my inspiration from nature, travel and my daughter’s fresh, innocent perspective of the world around her.

Me by Kayleene Greniger
Me by Kayleene Greniger
Despite what my life may have brought, all the choices and mistakes that I have made, I am simply myself, a flawed young woman who has made some bad choices and decisions. Prison will always be in my background, but it doesn’t define me.

Dakota 38 by Keith Hapana Crow
Dakota 38 by Keith Hapana Crow
Dakota Native American man, raised on the Lower Sioux Indian Community currently serving life sentence. Teepee represents the nomad lifestyle of Plains Native Americans Dakota-Sioux. Traditionally made out of buffalo hides, with nothing wasted of the buffalo. The four paintings, buffalo for honoring the buffalo, the prison bars dripping eagle feathers, the medicine wheel recognizes four races. The end of the trail invokes thought - is warrior dead or just out of trail? Genuine Native-American made.

Coda by Latrice A.D.
Coda by Latrice A.D.
Faith, insight, prayer and higher guidance. Literally had no intention of doing this one, but I guess it chose itself or something, lol. God is weird (in a good way). “Coda” depicts/ represents me, my trials and tribulations. Rose & thorns - me holding a lamb, at peace, face depicts my struggle, the adversity and oppression and continuous persecution I’ve faced throughout life. Figure behind me is a chariot with wings like Ezekiel’s vision (one wheel has “Elijah” on it.) Top left is Ratzon (Divine Will). The full moon coincides with tonight’s full moon; Sabbath - Torah passage Vayechi “And he lives” 800 represents leadership. And Coda means “The last / the end” of something.

Moving Forward by Mallory Kurth
Moving Forward by Mallory Kurth
Knowing that my life matters and that I have purpose and I have become mature enough in this life to take responsibility for my
own problems by forgiving those who have wronged me and by seeking forgiveness for my own sins. My identity is who I am moving forward and proof that my life matters.

Unity by Mallory Kurth
Unity by Mallory Kurth
I have been in and out of prison for many years. The only way I have been able to get through it is by gaining support of community, fading away through music and not allowing time to consume me. I am proud to identify as bisexual. I’ve learned to humble myself and I’ve found a sense of purpose in the LGBTQ community and my life matters.

Me by Michelle Koester
ME by Michelle Koester
I spent a lot of time thinking about myself and all the words that kept coming to my mind made me think about how they play such a big part in who I am, who I was, and who I want to be. Every word written has been or still is a part of ME, be it how I feel about myself or the effect or meaning of the word or label and its effect in my life.

Me 2 by Michelle Koester
ME 2 by Michelle Koester
I was having a really bad day and I was hiding in my cell. That’s another part of me, one that most people don’t know and don’t see. While I don’t want to be seen on bad days, it’s not just because it’s uncomfortable for me. It’s uncomfortable for the people around me. So, this piece is a part of the whole that is me.

Dream Catcher by M.G.
Dream Catcher by M.G.
I thought it would look good in a dreamcatcher. And it does. I learned macrame in 1977.

God in Your Heart by M.G.
God in Your Heart by M.G.
Sister Mary Jo Copeland. Because she has God in her heart. I’m the only one I know that makes this item. I thank Sister Mary Jo Copeland for everything she does.

I am by MJ
I Am by MJ
My culture and how being an Ojibwe woman makes me proud. How I feel my heritage deep inside my soul. I may not know as much as I should about my culture, but I feel it in my heart and everyday life.

Brick by Brick by Noella May
Brick by Brick by Noella May
Minneapolis has been through many devastating events. That has taken a toll on the city itself and my hope for restoration is for it to be built back up “Brick by Brick” with love.

I Am Who I Say I Am by Noella May
I Am Who I Say I Am by Noella May
No longer do I explain who I am or what I want out of life.
I Am Who I Say I Am!

Top of the World by Robert Wilder
Top of the World by Robert Wilder
My love for animals. The ram, so majestic
and patient is literally on top
of the world. To sit on the side of a
mountain and enjoy such a view must
be what heaven is like.

Shades of Somber by Roberto Lopez-Rios
Shades of Somber by Roberto Lopez-Rios
Turmoil and unexpected turns of events darken the colors of light of hope within our souls. The opportunity for growth
can shed the weight of the most somber shades and result in a person’s elevation of consciousness.

Day of the Dead Theme by Ryan Smith
Side one: Day of the Dead Theme.
Side two: A drawing I converted into beadwork
By Ryan Smith
Basically I wanted to challenge myself with art and beadwork. I took one of my drawings and turned it into a bead pattern. Challenging myself is my inspiration for all my art work, whether it be painting, drawing or bead work.