Sinner vs Saint (not for sale)

Pastel paint, charcoal, graphite, markers

Sinner vs. saint. Freedom vs. prison. Which path is the right path? Some people will always go to the freedom & and saint and some will go to sinner & prison. It doesn't matter which one you go to, we're all human and we make mistakes. I made the devil look more welcoming than God because tha's how it says he comes to us - ore welcoming . . . follow your path!

Meet the artist: Jayson Stipp

Sinner vs Saint by Jayson Stipp

Jayson Stipp

Identity Statement

I personally see myself as a guy who grew up wrong. I was lost, still am. I want to be seen differently but it takes time to find who you are as a person. Don't rush anything, just be you. I've grown up in plenty of homes, never really got settled. But my son is what keeps me going and all of everything I do is for him. I want him to be a better son and a better person than I am.

What role does art play in your life?

Art is the biggest part of my life while incarcerated. I started to be a tattoo apprentice before I came to prison for a great group of guys. I want to be a better artist, open my own shop and just make people happy!


Discarded by Jason Bolstad


Cursed by Jayson Stipp