Justice? by Apotheosis

Mixed Media


The total lack of justice all throughout history.

Justice statement:

Mankind has failed miserably to govern themselves for thousands of years. Since the dawn of their existence, “man has dominated man to his injury”. (Ec 8:9) This piece focuses on the “best country on earth” and their record of atrocities committed in their few hundred years of existence, but all the paper in the world could not hold the utter failure to uphold justice throughout history. Everyone acknowledges that there is no real justice or peace in this world, however, the Creator has promised a government ruled by his Son, which will be firm established on justice and will bring peace without end. (Isa 9:7) How will it do this? By crushing and putting an end to all the corrupt human governments, as well as the demonic influence behind them. (Dan 2:44; Re 20:1,2) Only then, once the wicked are removed, will the righteous inherit the earth and true justice be enjoyed by all God’s people worldwide. Praise Jah, and His Son, Jesus! God’s kingdom is the true answer to all our problems.

Meet the artist: APOTHEOSIS

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