Justice by David Edward Lenarz, Jr.

Scrap wood and screws from a kicked in door

Not for Sale

Meet the artist: David Edward Lenarz, Jr.


"Justice formed on natural law must be vigilantly maintained, always in a state of moral repair." -David Lenarz-.

Lady Justice on the left oversees the entire piece, raising the scales to show the importance of balance in our Justice system. She is connected to the definition of Justice with her right leg and sword. Laid out on our fading American Flag, showing the need for unity. Lady Liberty is to the far right of the Flag looking in; she is blurred and partially hidden by a wrench, depicting the faltering direction of our Country regarding the concepts of Freedom, Liberty, and Justice. She must be drawn partially and incompletely to represent the work that must be continued.

Laid over our American Flag is the carved outline of AMERICA, "Justice formed on natural law must be vigilantly maintained, always in a state of moral repair," sculpted by hand to represent the labor of Justice and effort needed to be applied. The carving is helped down by strong bolts and a wrench, representing the strength of our Country. The cross on the West Coast made from railroad spikes is made to symbolize strength, Courage, and Determination, as well as the overcoming of oppression of the brutalized people; the spikes further represent the dedication of those willing to work hard and the strength of sacrifice. The cross to the right on the East Coast is created from nails made over 100 years ago, set next to a modern screw located to represent Washington, DC. I wanted it to symbolize the fundamental ideologies of our constitution. I chose neutral crosses because we are becoming a Nation of Spiritual People. The crosses are turned towards each other to represent openness to one another's values and faiths.

Lastly, the State of Minnesota is hand-carved and very plain. I wanted the woods' beauty to represent our State's beauty. Held to the Flag with Strong and Powerful Bolts, displaying the Scales and Sword alone. I believe deeply, that a leader from our great State of Minnesota will come forward to further enrich and build more vital ideas of Justice.

That is the personification of the moral force in the judicial system. The sword represents the power of reason and Justice to strike down those who have committed wrongdoing, and it symbolizes swift and decisive punishment for those found guilty. It must also be the power to restore. The scales represent the weighing of evidence and balancing interests in a legal proceeding. The scales must also be the balance of healing and renewal.

Finally, there is the word alone, "Hope." We need a leader who conveys hope to all people, the standing and the fallen.

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