Justice Prevails by Elsa Segura

Acrylic paint

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The inspiration for this piece is that in the midst of darkness is a light and we will all shine. The words that come to mind are HOPE, FAITH, AMOR (LOVE) and PAZ (PEACE). Justice is about healing, balance, time, growth, beauty and the hand of many shades is community coming together.

What role does art play in your life?

At this time, art is my way of expressing love and gratitude to my family and friends. When I call them and hear their excitement about a personalized gift, it's satisfying. My inspiration for creating art is the bright, vibrant colors that illuminate my room and give me a surge of positive energy.

Justice statement:

Justice is something that we all seek. For me, justice means fairness, healing and human dignity. I am a firm believe of healing, which is a process of dealing with what has happened. It is imperative that when developing solutions that we take into consideration being survivor-centered, accountability-based, safety-driven and racially equitable. But most importantly that human dignity is the center of our solutions. My art reflects a lens of justice that is HOPE, FAITH, LOVE and PEACE.

Meet the artist: Elsa Segura

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Justice Prevails

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