No More Tears by Toby Earl

Acrylic and tempera


What does justice mean to me? This has been a deeply transformational journey. I've had to struggle through hate for a "justice system," feelings of bottomless despair, to find a journey of purpose and meaning in life. In that journey, I've set goals, seen growth and beauty and spent infinite hours in thought. I wanted "No More Tears" to show this.

What role does art play in your life?

Art has given me an outlet to express thoughts, goals, dreams, spiritual connection and also giving to others. Through this - art is healing. This continual healing is what inspires me to create, create, create!

Justice statement:

Justice has left me alone in a dungeon, snatched from society. I've cried until the only tears left are those puddled at my feet as I try to find purpose in life, a reason to continue. In my search I found ways to live restoratively, to help others, and this brought metamorphosis of thought to what justice is. Some thoughts seem like fantasy, others a reality . . . but as they come into one, I realize justice is about healing, growth and new beginnings.

Meet the artist: Toby Earl

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