Roberto Lopez-Rios
Artist, Father, and Dreamer
Inspired by the journey we all must walk. Life hands us unexpected turns to learn from, yet most of us find ourselves trapped and tangled. We must learn from our struggles how to free ourselves. Only you can set yourself free to fulfill your destiny of infinite possibilities.
Interview Clips with Roberto
In His Own Words
l was born in Morelos, Mexico and raised in South Minneapolis since the age of three. As a kid I dreamed of becoming someone in life that would impact others in a positive way. I thought I’d like to be a firefighter or a doctor. In school art captured my attention and made me aware of the process and creativity that it takes to make something out of nothing. I thought maybe I could use art to impact people. My dreams were interrupted by the violence and crime that surrounded my environment at home and in my neighborhood. The way of the streets became a lifestyle for me: a way of life where neither hope, nor dreams exist; a fast life that stole my childhood, innocence and left me with no sense of direction.
By the time I turned fifteen, I was already a father trying to define and provide a “normal life” for my daughter. In the process of doing so, I went back to school and rediscovered my interest in art once again. Unfortunately, my time to develop my skills was short-lived. Within months of starting my new life, I found myself trapped in the legal system for a crime I did not commit. Naive and confused, I was taken advantage of by a lawyer who did not have my best interest in mind. I was tried and sentenced as an adult at sixteen, torn from everyone I loved and everything I knew and thrown into prison with grown men. I had been condemned to life behind bars.
Now, after 20 years in prison, art has become more than a creative expression for me. It is an escape from my suffocating and dehumanizing reality. Art provides a means for me to create beautiful things that bring brightness to this place of pain and sorrow that has kept me captive. Ultimately, my work echoes my hopes, fears and fantasies: an alternate universe where I am free. Roberto is currently serving a life sentence in the Minnesota Correctional Facility at Stillwater.
See more of his art here.
“Incarcerated men have no way to reconnect, nor build any type of support system conducive to change because of restrictions and the negative stigma attached to prison. “
- Roberto Lopez-Rios
2021 Transformation Exhibition
Traditionally violence has been the language many men see or become familiar with within these walls. At what point does the DOC actually begin to invest real time and resources to help these men discover their talents, from which society as a whole and the individuals can benefit?
Incarcerated men have no way to reconnect, nor build any type of support system conducive to change because of restrictions and the negative stigma attached to prison. Projects as such give the community a chance to see a different side and gives the men a sense of accomplishment, an opportunity to be recognized, and reconnect with the self and others, an experience that can be life changing, due to the fact that most of these men have never had such experiences. Do you see this different approach that involves the community inside and out, with so much potential, as something that can be applied to current or new programs?
This approach is like building bridges to a path of healing both the individual and community. It starts the process of growth, gives men a purpose and direction in life. How can we redirect the focus of punishment, to a positive reinforcement type of approach that focuses on making better people by capitalizing on their interests/talents in arts and crafts?
Why do you use the medium you use?
I use whatever medium I'm drawn to at the time. I believe creativity is the most important thing. Therefore the type of medium does not matter.
What role does art play in your life?
Art is my passion, the part of me that can only be expressed by projecting it through colors and shapes, taking a physical form for the world to see. A role in my life that links me to my past, as I create in the moment for the future to leave remnants of myself long after I am gone.
What inspires you to create?
I'm inspired by the flames of creativity that are fueled by the hopes, dreams, compassion, and humanity that I have clinched on to. My desire to inspire, inspires me as well.
2023 Identity 2 Exhibition
Shades of Somber (sold)
Only You
2022 Identity Exhibition
Como una Flor (sold)
Reaching Perspective (sold)
All in One (sold)
Hypnotic Appeal
2020 Numbers Exhibition
Pure Intent
Huitzilopchti (“God of War”)
Above All

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