Ricky Cobb II Forever by Cheryl Albert

Acrylic paint, gold leafing pen, pen brushes, pastels, glass medium and pastel pencils.

Not for Sale.


My inspiration for this piece is the murder of my friend Ricky Cobb II by a sheriff on July 31, 2023. He was a father, son, brother, twin and friend who deserved to live.

Justice statement:

Justice for me means that all people, especially law enforcement should be held to the same standard and receive equal treatment under the law. Justice means having the right to stand trial, to make it home, to live another day. Justice means not seeing people how the world would have you see them, but how God sees them. Justice is that not even one innocent person be incarcerated but every guilty person serves their time and does the work necessary to become a better person. Justice is not a lengthy prison sentence, but programs such as Art From the Inside that enable incarcerated people to try something different and excel in a new lane. Justice is for us all!

Meet the artist: Cheryl Albert