Sunset by Terri Hower
10.5 x 13 / 16 x 20 framed (sold separately)
Medium: Acrylic on paper
The inspiration for my picture of a sailboat dates back to the Pilgrims that came over and made a country for us all. The natives were already here, so the principles, fairness, equality and morals are in question. But we are a free country so the justice and laws must be working out.
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Sunset by Terri Hower
10.5 x 13 / 16 x 20 framed (sold separately)
Medium: Acrylic on paper
The inspiration for my picture of a sailboat dates back to the Pilgrims that came over and made a country for us all. The natives were already here, so the principles, fairness, equality and morals are in question. But we are a free country so the justice and laws must be working out.
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