The Heart of the Matter by Michelle Koester
10.5 x 13.5 / 18 x 22 framed (sold separately)
Medium: Colored pencil, sharpie, felt tipped pens, pencil
In county jail, everywhere I went there was writing on the walls. In prison this is also the case, though less frequently than in county. Sometimes just a name or a drawing, but sometimes I have read some very meaningful things on the walls. That made me think that it's too bad "we" are the only ones who see the writing on the walls . . . . would they care . . . could it change anything or anyone? You tell me . . .
The Heart of the Matter by Michelle Koester
10.5 x 13.5 / 18 x 22 framed (sold separately)
Medium: Colored pencil, sharpie, felt tipped pens, pencil
In county jail, everywhere I went there was writing on the walls. In prison this is also the case, though less frequently than in county. Sometimes just a name or a drawing, but sometimes I have read some very meaningful things on the walls. That made me think that it's too bad "we" are the only ones who see the writing on the walls . . . . would they care . . . could it change anything or anyone? You tell me . . .