Alone But Not Alone by Thomas L.
16” x 20”
Medium: Acrylic
Personal Growth: Exhibiting personal growth through art
1. The skies may be windy and cold but we press on to greater things even when the seasons change.
2. Sometimes we find ourselves alone in tough times. This is what the tree represents. It is, however, still surviving and well-rooted, strong to make it through to better days.
3. The bright colors used represent hope. My hope is my faith in Christ that guides me every day and helps me carry on.
Alone But Not Alone by Thomas L.
16” x 20”
Medium: Acrylic
Personal Growth: Exhibiting personal growth through art
1. The skies may be windy and cold but we press on to greater things even when the seasons change.
2. Sometimes we find ourselves alone in tough times. This is what the tree represents. It is, however, still surviving and well-rooted, strong to make it through to better days.
3. The bright colors used represent hope. My hope is my faith in Christ that guides me every day and helps me carry on.