untitled by Scott Debban

Delica beads


My inspiration is the fact that I reside in the great state of Minnesota. I was born and raised in St. Paul, Minnesota and the area code is 651. So, with that said, I put my thoughts into action and created this necklace. It represents the state of Minnesota and the Capital which is in St. Paul, Minnesota. All of St. Paul is in the 651 area code.

What role does art play in your life?

The art of my choice is beads and it plays a huge role in my everyday existence. To me, beadwork is my therapy of choice. To be able to sit down at my desk and create necklaces, bracelets and earrings is such a stress reliever. I'm inspired to create my art by TV, magazines, and the great outdoors here in Rush City, Minnesota.

Justice statement:

What does "justice" personally mean to me? This question means to me: Justice, Law and Order. As you can see by today's events occurring all over the world, we need law & order in place. Without it, there is no justice, just unlawfulness and chaos.

How does your art reflect a lens of Justice that you bring to this piece? My Minnesota beaded necklace represents where justice begins. That place is the State Capitol, located in the capital city of St. Paul, Minnesota. Where laws are enacted. This city is where the office of the Attorney General is also located. So you see, Justice begins and ends in St. Paul, Minnesota. As for the "651," these numbers represent the area code if you choose to call the A.G.

Meet the artist: Scott Debban

In the AFTI Store: