2022 Exhibition:
Identity can be defined as "the qualities, beliefs, personality traits, appearance, and/or expressions that characterize a person or group." In this exhibit, the artists explore the construction and interpretation of how we see ourselves as individuals and how we see each other. The question “Who am I?” asks us all to consider the relationship between the individual and society. Human beings are a complex combination of who we innately are, informed by our lived experiences, our culture, our environments, by things we control and things we cannot control. While some aspects of an individual’s identity may be fixed or considered immutable, many aspects of a person’s identity change throughout his or her life and carry different weights at different times throughout our life. How do we embrace the complex layers of our individual and shared humanity? How do we crack open the rigid ways we define ourselves and the other. What does it feel like to give ourselves and others space to grow and grace to evolve? How do we open ourselves to the possibilities of hope, to change the story we tell ourselves and the stories we tell about the other.
"I am and always will be a work that is unfinished, a work in progress."
Artist, Eduardo Morales
Praying Hands by Luis Barajas, Jr.
Identity Dreams by Matthew Dolven
Stolen Identity by Matthew Dolven

Touched by the Infinite by Midnight X
Picture Window by N. Schwartz
He Has Arrived by N. Schwartz
Alone by Redd Stewart
Angel by Redd Stewart
All in One by Roberto Lopez-Rios
Reaching Perspective by Roberto Lopez-Rios